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You are
Meriadoc Brandybuck, or Merry from Lord of the Rings! Good for you! Carrots are your thing aye? Say hi to Pippin for me, will ya?
Which character are you played by Dominic Monaghan?
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You are Truely in love with Dom, you aren't to crazy over him, that you have his name
tattooed to his chest, and you love him for all the right reasons, and not only because he is damn sexy and was in one of the most kick ass movies of all time.
How much do YOU love Dominic Monaghan???
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You're Dom by a tree! You must be someone who loves the outdoors and trees. Like me! lol(*sighs* yes, this is small, but it was too big to upload *sniffs* i like this pic. lol)
What Picture of Dominic Monaghan Are You?
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Your CHEEKY Dom!
Which Dominic Monaghan...are YOU?!
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You are Merry Dom!
Some may say that your floppy wig isn't flattering, but don't believe them. You're "the gayest of all hobbits" and apparently proud of it, and enjoy mushrooms and getting really drunk. Love that drinking song. Buckleberry Ferry--Follow me!
Which Dominic Monaghan are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Your fave is funny!Dom. He's wild and he's got a great sense of humour, something you value a lot. He's also darn cute.
Which side of Dominic Monaghan do you dream of?
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You're Dom!
Which Hobbit Actor Are You?
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